Sunday, June 12, 2011

Seattle to Cache Creek, British Columbia

I had the pleasure of having lunch with my friends Sheila and Paul, who moved to Bellingham a  couple of years ago. We met at my favorite haunt in the Fairhaven district: Avenue Bread Bakery, and it was a joy to catch up and feel their joy in moving from Berkeley to exquisite northern Washington! One day I may do something similar!

Crossing the border into Canada took an excruciating long time because of heavy traffic only inching along.
But once cruising north on Canada Highway 1, the scenery became more and more wild and dramatic: huge snowy mountains, giant, wild rivers, water pouring from cliffs, a sign warning: "Caution: Bighorn Sheep on Road." ( I didn't see any though)

The road winds along the Fraser, Quesnel and Thompson River Valleys. River rafting is apparently the rage. Crosby Still and Nash sang to me loudly all the way up, with hours devoted to Fleetwood Mac.
Interesting observation: No roadkill visible in Canada.
I am staying in a motel in Cache Creek tonight. It is pretty windy outside and my back is killing me from sitting so long.
I am feeling very grateful and very blessed.
Wishing you all a happy evening and much love.

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