Monday, June 13, 2011

Cache Creek to Fort St. John

British Columbia is soooo beautiful and varied! I saw quite a bit of it today, while driving 580 miles. I could barely remember the scenery from when I did this same drive 20 years ago when Jesse and I came to Alaska for the first time. Jess was a wee lad of 7 years, in those days. We loved camping and exploring together. He always was kept amused watching vehicles and motorcycles, so the long drive didn't bother him.

This morning, I was intrigued by the "Badger Crossing" sign I saw early on, but did not see any real ones.
I did see my first bald eagle of the season, reminding me of Denise and her affection for them!!
There were a few fun signs today--
a sign in front of a Baptist Church read:
"Who dies with the most toys is still dead."

A Community Safety sign said,
" If you're the kind of person who doesn't like getting tickets, lift up your right foot now."

and a homemade sign said:
"May Greed Fail and Common Sense Prevail."

Driving alone, I get a kick out of this sort of thing.

All day I listened to Joni Mitchell (Blue)
Justin Hines and No Doubt.
 Excellent, and lively.

Some unexpected delights:
Roadside patches of purple lupines, salmon and scarlet colored paintbrush and buttercups,
heavy rain from time to time,
TWO different black bears,
A sign for a town called "Horsefly", (I didn't visit since I dislike them)
(plus it was out of my way)
some beaver lodges,
black billed magpies,
log cabins,
and best of all, towards the end of the day in the beautiful Peace River Valley,
two female moose, grazing in the woods near the road together! Gosh, were they ever tall and gangly!!
By the way, Googleimages is a much better photographer than I, so I put in my requests and usually find just what I need for this blog.
Happy June the thirteenth to all.
(Writing the Blog is good for me because it reminds me to take note of some of the subtleties I might forget otherwise.)

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