Friday, June 17, 2011

Day One at my new job

I accompanied another co-worker, Freddy on a half day nature walk he was leading. We picked up 11 people from the Denali Princess Lodge and drove them to a viewpoint, then on to Byers Lake. There was not one cloud in the sky so the view of the mountain was absolutely spellbinding. Everyone was thrilled  and took numerous photos. Apparently it has been cloudy up until today, and there were zero mountain views for the past several weeks. Such happy luck! I enjoyed the hike he led and have every bit of confidence I can successfully lead that hike immediately, since I know the info already and have only to orient myself to the trails at hand. Highlights included a wonderful sighting of a trumpeter swan as well as a close encounter with an angry ermine. She was scolding us for stepping too close to her burrow and making warning shouts, as only an ermine can. I was quite entranced with her.

Did you know that the trumpeter swan is the largest native North American bird?  Males can weigh up to 38 pounds!! (that's like almost 2 Beanies!) These beautiful birds were almost driven to extinction by hunters who sold their feathers to make into quill pens!

 After the tour, I drove to Talkeetna to meet my boss. (at last) We hiked to the edge of the Chulitna River and chatted. Then I rambled around town, one of my very favorite Alaskan towns. I went to the museum and learned more about mountaineering history, visited the NPS Ranger Station, and a few shops.

It has been a very very good day. Joy to all. By the way, if you are reading this, I have no idea. (except for you, Steve and Mom)  Please shoot me an email sometime and tell me how you are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mare,
    Lynn and I are sitting here, looking at your incredible adventure! We saw three Trumpeter Swans on our trip last summer and I recorded their courtship song. A small portion of that song is on our site at:

    (I don't know how to make this link clickable.)
    Susan and Lynn
