Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kenai Peninsula-

I have a strange work schedule! 2 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 1 day off.......strange!
Instead of hanging dormant, I took a long road trip to visit the location of my first job in Alaska: the Peterson Bay Field Station of Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies, across Kachemak Bay from Homer.
I had a remarkable, inspiring time!!!
Driving down, I passed some of ALaska's most easily seen active volcanoes: Redoubt, Iliamna, and Augustine. They exude such power!!!


Kendra and her friend Sarah visited me that summer of 2001, and the FIRST thing I saw upon arriving, was the drawings they made while visiting!!! Kendra made an exquisite Opalescant Sea Slug, and Sarah made an Aleutian Moon Snail. Such a warm welcome!!!

I hiked the trails, and saw signs of recovery after bark beetle
infestation killed 90% of the spruce trees. The tide was very high and I sat at my familiar perch above the stairs watching the water rise. I said hello to the sun dew (carniverous) plants at the bog, the beautiful monkshood flowers, and hiked to Earthquake Point, a place with a view like no other, where I did lots of writing and gazing when I worked there. The blueberries and currants were ripe and provided great trail snacking! This is major bald eagle country. One was guarding its nest--I saw a baby's head and heard the soft peeping!!

I slept in a yurt, the same one my Mom stayed in when she visited and took care of an injured kittiwake. The next day the tide was lower, (but not very low) so I visited octopus dens (no-one was home), brittle stars, peanut worms, urchins, anenomes, clams, and crabs galore.

I love this place so much!!!!!

After returning to land via water taxi, I visited the Homer Spit, business district, and stopped in Hope for dinner. (good veggie burger and Moose's Drool IPA)

I am felling quite spiritually renewed!! The scenery is so fulfilling!!!!!!

Hope, Alaska

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