Friday, July 1, 2011

Denali National Park

An hour and a half north is stunning and remarkable Denali National Park, where I spent my 3 day weekend. I did a lot of information gathering the first day, during the pouring rain, visiting the Denali Visitor Center, where I attended a program on Wolves, investigated the interpretive displays, then took a bus to watch the sled dog demonstration. I also went to the Wilderness Access Center and saw their film on the history of the park. I camped at Riley Creek campground, and went to a program there on the 4 types of squirrels found in the park. VERY INTERESTING!!!!

The weather improved during day 2, so I took the park bus out to mile 39, and hiked all day along the Cathedral Mountains. God, I LOVE this area: staggering views, polychromatic mountains, soft mossy tundra, views of golden eagles soaring, arctic ground squirrels standing up on their hind legs checking for danger, hoary marmots darting in and out of rocky crags, multitudes of dwarf wildflowers in a stunning array of colors, caribou in the distance resting on the ice to escape from their insect tormentors. It was heavenly.

During day 3, I took the bus to the Eielson Visitor Center, a 4 hour (one way) drive to mile 66. We saw all sorts of great Alaskan brown bears, including a mom and cubs, a moose and her baby, big giant bull moose with huge antlers,  porcupine, and small herds of dall sheep. I watched a film on mountaineering at Eielson, and hiked up the Alpine Trail, which has lots of wildflowers and grand views.

I am filled with joy from my romp at DNP. I got back to work today, had a sweet group of friendly hikers this morning, and transmitted that joy right back to them.
I am quite grateful.
Life is good up here, even when you cannot see the giant snowy mountain.
Love to all.

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