Sunday, July 3, 2011

JUly 3rd

Did I mention that it rains quite a bit around here? I am (thankfully) getting used to it, and appreciate that even though it is wet, it isn't particularly cold.
I am pleased to say, I am used to being here, living here, working here. I had quite a bit of "anticipation anxiety" before coming, and that has evaporated. Visitors are pretty generous with giving me tips, so I musn't be too lousy. Yesterday one guy gave me a FIFTY DOLLAR BILL. I am feeling quite gratified.

On my morning Nature Walk today, my visitors and I had the happy surprise of seeing the entire loon family. (common loon) The chick is black and very tiny. It sometimes rides on its parent's back. One of the visitors had a huge lens on her camera and got some nice shots. Here is a good one from googleimages. The parents make such beautiful, haunting calls. I hope the little sweet chick can survive the many predators who would like to swoop down and eat it.
I really like living next to Byers Lake, bundles of mosquitoes or not. It 's a pretty sweet deal to get paid to take people out on hikes to discover and rediscover the beauty, peace and wildlife in the vast Alaskan wilderness.

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