Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, I broke my former record. Today I drove 816 miles. If you think I am a maniac, I will agree with you......
The day had its ups and downs. Right away, within the first half hour, I had a glorious excitement! I communed with a lynx.
(I got this pic from googleimages)
I saw it cross the road, then I stopped my car and walked to where it seemed to go. There it was, looking right at me, like the lynx in this photo!! It just stayed there looking at me, and I talked to it a bit and warned it not to trust people because they might shoot it. It was seriously BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!

I had to drive extra long today because
I was delayed yesterday due to road construction and having a flat tire.
My back is rather killing me, and neck too.
Another highlight was counting 11 different black bears along the Cassiar Highway. I also saw a dead one, and decided to honk my horn to scare the ones so close to the road ...they lustily chew on the new vegitation springing up and are nonchalant regarding vehicles carreening by.
God, I am TIRED, but very grateful to be out of the car!!

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